Can Physical Therapy Relieve My Sciatica for Good?Sep 01, 2023Are you struggling with sciatica and searching for lasting relief? Physical therapy might be the answer you've been seeking. Learn more about how it works for sciatica and if it's the right choice for you.
PRP Therapy: A Game-Changing Treatment for Arthritis-Related Joint PainAug 01, 2023Are you searching for a game-changing solution to your persistent joint pain? Look no further. PRP therapy is one of the latest advancements in joint pain treatment. Learn how this cutting-edge procedure can make a world of difference for your pain.
Radiofrequency COOLIEF* for Chronic Knee Pain: What to ExpectJul 01, 2023If you're one of the millions who suffer the torment of chronic knee pain, radiofrequency COOLIEF*, an innovative procedure, could be your key to a pain-free life. Learn how it works and what you can expect during and after the procedure.
What Most Don't Understand About Complex Regional Pain SyndromeJun 01, 2023Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a complex and debilitating disorder that's often misunderstood. Knowing the causes, symptoms, and treatment options can help demystify this challenging condition.
Why Do Some Get Arthritis, and Others Don't?May 09, 2023Many factors play a role in the development of arthritis, causing some people to get the condition while others remain unaffected. Read on to gain a better understanding of arthritis and what contributes to its development.
Pregnant? Here's What You Should Know About Your Risk for SciaticaApr 04, 2023Pregnancy is a joyous time in most women’s lives, but it’s not without complications. One which is commonly overlooked is the increased risk of developing sciatica. Learn more about it here.
Lesser-Known Headache Triggers and How to Avoid ThemMar 06, 2023Your headache could be caused by one or a combination of several factors. While causes like stress are commonly known, triggers such as temperature changes aren’t. Learn more about lesser-known headache triggers and how to avoid them.
Spinal Cord Stimulation: What to Expect Feb 17, 2023In many cases, chronic pain is caused by a problem with your spinal cord. Spinal cord stimulation is a cutting-edge procedure that involves inserting a device to help relieve your pain. Learn more about what to expect from the process here.
Am I at Risk for Peripheral Neuropathy?Jan 12, 2023Peripheral neuropathy causes damage to your peripheral nerves, resulting in pain, weakness, and numbness. Certain factors put you at a higher risk of developing this condition. Learn what they are and how to prevent them.
Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Sciatica PainDec 16, 2022Have you been living with pain or numbness in your lower back? It may be caused by inflammation of your sciatic nerve. While getting treatment for it is crucial, here are a couple of lifestyle changes that can help you manage the pain.
Living with ArthritisNov 01, 2022Living with arthritis can negatively affect everything from your everyday activities to relationships with family and friends and even your ability to keep a job. You don’t have to suffer — here’s how to make living with arthritis more manageable.